
Les différents posts publiés par les différents groupes

Appelés Articles dans le code pour des soucis de rétrocompatibilité. Sera renommé en Post partout dans le futur.


Article implements Commentable, Pictured, Reactable, Shareable

  • author: User?
  • authorId: ID?
  • body: String
  • bodyHtml: String
  • bodyPreview: String
  • canBeEdited: Boolean
  • comments(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  Connection< Comment>


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • event: Event?
  • eventId: ID?
  • group: Group
  • groupId: ID
  • hasSeparateDarkPicture: Boolean
  • id: ID
  • links: [ Link]
  • localID: LocalID
  • myReactions: BooleanMap
  • notifiedAt: DateTime?
  • pictureAltText: String
  • pictureFile: String
  • pictureFileDark: String
  • pictureURL(​dark:  Boolean = false, ​timestamp:  Boolean = true) →  String


    • dark: Boolean
    • timestamp: Boolean = true
  • published: Boolean
  • publishedAt: DateTime
  • reacted(​emoji:  String) →  Boolean
  • reactionCounts: Counts
  • reactions(​emoji:  String) →  Int
  • shares: Int
  • slug: String
  • title: String
  • uid: String
  • visibility: GroupRestricted | Private | Public | SchoolRestricted | Unlisted


  • article: Article
  • highlightedTitle: String
  • id: ID
  • rank: Float?
  • similarity: Float


articleID(​group:  UID, ​slug:  String) →  LocalID?

LIVE homepage(​after:  String?, ​before:  String?, ​first:  Int?, ​last:  Int?) →  Connection< Article>


createPost(​body:  String = , ​event:  LocalID, ​group:  UID, ​title:  String = ) →  Result< Article>

deleteArticle(​id:  ID) →  Boolean

deleteArticlePicture(​id:  ID) →  Boolean

updateArticlePicture(​file:  File, ​id:  ID) →  String

upsertArticle(​...) →  Result< Article>


article(​id:  LocalID) →  Article

homepage(​after:  String?, ​before:  String?, ​first:  Int?, ​last:  Int?) →  Connection< Article>

Churros API, version dev (at ab9f305)

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